Mon 27 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
Ill take Good Care of u! Italian-Indian beauty 30min$100!CDATES/OUTCALLS ONLY NOW 571.285.8374Jenny - 39
(Dumfries Woodbdge Cdates Out calls$100hh, Northern Virginia)
Tue 07 Jan
••• 💎Can you make my kitty meow!! Ready 2 make you scream !!! I can open your mind the 1st time - 30
(Northern Virginia, Manassas, Fairfax,Alexandria,etc outcall)
Mon 06 Jan
NEW PICS ♥ 1OO% Rεaℓ ❤ ——— [[ KinkY & Sweet ]] ————❤ [ ITALIAN TREAT ] ❤————❤ [[ STUNNING BLONDE ]] - 21
(Northern Virginia, ♡DUMFRIES ♥ WOODBRIDGE αvαiℓabℓε ➜➋➍/➆♡)
🌟🌟LiMited Time!! GoRGeous ASian here Visting.. FeW nights OnLy!! Real Pix and All NatuRaL🌟🌟 - 23
(Northern Virginia, Herndon/ Incalls only)
Sat 04 Jan
CoMe SqUeEeZe ThEsE BaBy ::: ExOtiC MiLeY's MaGiC 44DD MuFf!nS!!!! 6Ospl$$$ - 26
(Northern Virginia, Woodbridge InCaLLs (New Pics!))
WiLD ~*~*~ KiTTeN ~*~*~~* PE CuRvY ~*~*~* MiXeD CuTie ~*~*~CAUTION ~*~*~2HoT 2HaNdLE -SPECIALS - 21
💦 ☆ 🎀[uℓtiℳαtε B£AUT¥ ]💛💞[ 💗Flawless💛 [¡RR€§¡§tABL€ 💛💕 [S£XY & §W€€†] 💗💛 [Cutie] - 25
(Herndon Dulles Incall, Northern Virginia)
✧LuSc!oUs ✧ⓕⓡⓔⓐⓚⓨ ✧ExOt!c //tHe bADDe$t ŚŃŐŴßÚŃŃŶ\\ ☆҉ⓉⓗⒾ©Ⓚ N ⒿⓤⒾ©Ⓨ☆҉ LΛƧƬ CΉΛПCΣ.. LΣΛVIП ΛƬ ПOOП!! - 22
(Northern Virginia, [[FΛIЯFΛX☆҉FΛIЯ LΛΚΣƧ☆҉FΛIЯ OΛΚƧ MΛLL]])
Fri 03 Jan
💗[[ NEWBIE ]] 💗 [[BeAuTiFul ]] 💗 [[ GOURGEOUS]] 💗—— 💗 [[ READY N0W ]] 💓💗—— 💖💫 - 19
(Northern Virginia, Alexandria • Seminary Rd. & Fwy 395)
SÕ MÅNY• °o♥o°• ChÕIc€S BUT•°o♥o°• NÕN€ LiK€ °o♥o°• ME!! •-:¦:-• LiMiTeD TiMe! w/ SPECIALS - 22
(Northern Virginia, Manassas/Centreville/Herndon/Chantilly)
°•★•° BEAUTIFUL °•★•° SEDUCTIVE °•★•° Blonde ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ▐▐ * LETS PLAY * Specials*▐▐ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ - - 21
(Northern Virginia, Tyson's corner)
Thu 02 Jan
HH FOR 100 !! L_E_T_ °o° _M_E_ °o° _T_A_K_E _ °o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o° _A_W_A_Y! - 21
(woodbridge, va (prince william pkwy))